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The Top 3 Things Successful People Do Daily

Okay, so I am on this journey toward not sabotaging my greatness (which often looks like self-doubt, for me) and I am doing that through the practice of consistent progress. No one is perfect, practice can at times make perfect, however I am not in the pursuit of being perfect more so my desire is to make progress. Now, I cannot take all the credit on this journey that I am on, I am definitely blessed with some individuals who (unannounced) display their wisdom, resilience, patience, humility, strength and perseverance (as I observe them) walking through life. I recently added Alex Elle to my list of individuals who inspire me. I follow her on all social media sites and I politely peek into her life through those outlets (not excessively, I have a life!) Alex Elle has made an immense impact on women, both of her generation and beyond. She has quickly gained recognition for her candid, honest words, most notably in her acclaimed debut book, Words from a Wanderer. Alex is also a natural hair blogger, jewelry designer, and poet. Her poetry and prose are frank, derived from real life experiences and the raw human emotions in which everyone can relate. "I've always been a writer," she admits, "I found myself in writing my truth."

Recently, while glancing at her Snapchat I noticed her reading a book titled, "You Are A Badass" which is a self-help book that teaches the reader ways to stop doubting your greatness and start living an awesome life by Jen Sincero.

---------------------------------------------------------------------GO GET THIS DAMN BOOK Y'ALL-----------------------------------------------------------------------

I purchased my copy at Barnes & Noble for $9.99 and I could not put it down. I seriously have made it a part of my morning routine and I have already put some of Jen's advice in motion. For example, Sincero addresses the the top 3 ways to be successful in this book and here they are:

Gratitude: The Gateway Drug to Awesomeness (Chapter 14)

1. This Is Good Because.... So she begins this chapter discussing gratitude and how we as individuals have two choices: to work in gratitude or loathe in negativity throughout our day (lives)., "You cut yourself off from the supply of awesomeness when you are not in a state of gratitude" (115). Now, we all have been there when we are just not in a happy place and we have everything (literally) around us to be thankful for. We consciously have to consistently stay walking in a state of gratitude which increases our connection to God- because gratitude increases Faith. There are times when we are not grateful (let's keep it real); the bills are mounting, the car needs repaired, your arguing a lot with your spouse and everything feels like nothing is going right....Sincero states this is when we need to say, "This is good because..." Ultimately she is saying take your power back and identify the positivity within the situation. I will say though, depending on the severity of the issue, the positive outlook may not happen right away but if you address the situation with the notion that there is good in this situation and all situations, it allows you to manifest what you desire because it already exists and through manifesting it we prepare ourselves to receive it.

2. Write Your Thank-You Notes...(huh, what???? To who???- That's what I thought, lol) Let me explain. Every night before we go to bed, we should review our day and write down at least 10 things that we are grateful for. Sincero states that this can be from the smallest of things (i.e. flowers) to something that placed a huge impact on our lives for the day. Through constantly and consistently noticing all that you are blessed with and thankful for, you keep yourself operating in gratitude and on a higher frequency.

3. Love Yourself... Be grateful for YOU, give yourself time to win! And everybody benefits. (Unless you have a better idea?!)

If we exercise and apply these three steps, we invite success into our lives consciously. We will have denied all negativity and negative thoughts to attach themselves to our positive mind frame, eliminating the self-sabotaging techniques that we do (often knowingly and unknowingly) so that we can achieve greatness and success!- It's all in how you think! This book is filled with so many other techniques for living the life you deserve that I can not list (sadly) because this blog would turn into a thesis. I will probably read this book twice, just so that I can grab a hold of anything that I might have missed. I find myself mentioning this book when I am talking about my kids, politics and relationships, so I know that it is doing something for me- I hope that if you're on a similar journey, you add this to your library!

-Don't forget to comment on the homepage, so that I am not constantly talking to myself (that would be crazy!!!)

You're go get this book!

Normal Black Chic

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