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Summer, Summer, Summer Time!

For those of you who don't know, I only work 180 days in a year, so when my kids are on breaks and vacation, I am too! Yaaay right- NOOOOOO! When I am on a break, I am not really on a break. (For some reason, I feel the need to clarify) I do work everyday in a year because I am a mother and wife and that's a never ending job (right?!) however, the job that pays me my coins---contractually states that I only have to work 180 days. Well, we (me and my babies) are on Summer Break right now and my focus is on them and ensuring that they are enjoying their break (my struggle to break is real). So here is what their schedule looks likes this summer:

All play and no work....WRONG! There are studies which indicate that children lose about 2 months of learning over the summer when they are not actively engaged in some kind of learning for at least 30 minutes a day (click the link to the article). So, to be fair, my children (love to) study on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday for 30 minutes a day- they are off on Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday. I chose to use the Kumon learning workbooks to review what they have learned this past school year. I came across Kumon learning when I enrolled my daughter into their tutoring math program 3 years ago (sort of expensive so we stopped, but it really worked). I stumble upon the same workbooks being sold online at Amazon and seriously saved 90% on the fees of enrolling them into the program by ordering the workbooks, which by the way are teacher approved. They literally sell every academic content for every academic level.

On Wednesdays I take them on a field trip, we recently visited the Westerville Recreation Center pool in Ohio, and had a really good time-It's an indoor water park for $7 #winning! Next Wednesday we're going bowling (that should be interesting).

On Saturdays and Sundays, I am exhausted!!!! I pretty much tell my husband to keep our kids as far away from me as possible...just keeping it real for ya'll! But all in all I am sure that my hard work is not in vain and on the first day of school in August they will have at least remembered how to spell their first and last name. I said all that to say, let your kids have fun this summer and keep it balanced through actively learning as well!

Normal Black Chic

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