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I Can & I Will!

Sounds very cliche, but you almost have to remind yourself that within every situation you can & you will (survive and be successful). I have come to the conclusion that in life, lessons are not always as clear as we would like them to be and of course, hindsight is 20/20. After some recent experiences, I am also holding on to the understanding that the experience is the lesson as well, not the communication that comes with it (not always). In the past I walked away from some situations wondering why? why me? why this? why now? and the answer is, I am simply supposed to experience that- and that's it. I'm sure the pieces will connect themselves as life experiences do and the "ah ha" moment will confirm, but for now all I can say is, "Yup, I've been there- and done that!" However, if you let experiences and lessons get the best of you, they've won- and that's a NO, NO. When life throws a blow you have to come right back and be ready to fight for what it is you want. Listen, I am the Queen of giving myself 24 hours to throw myself a beautiful-tearful-pitty-party BUT the next day, I'm moving forward and moving on. How do I do it, I DON'T KNOW (prayer & God), but I also know that listening to motivational speakers helps to push me through and inspires me to GET UP and try again!

Feeling hurt, let down and ignored and unsuccessful are all parts of life but more importantly how do you respond those feelings? Know that your response is what either makes you or breaks you- to not only survive but to also reach success. My favorite motivational speaker is Eric Thomas. He was born to a young teenage mother, absent father, unfortunately dealt with homelessness, lived in abandoned buildings, ate out of trash cans at a very young age and dropped out of high school in Chicago. Eric has gone on to do big things and make a name for himself as one of the most sought out motivational speakers in the United States and abroad. Listen to him for yourself, I am sure he will make you want to push yourself to the next level.

"When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breath..."

-Eric Thomas

Eric Thomas's Top 10 Rules for Success

1. Know what your worth

2. Work on your gift

3. NO excuses

4. Upgrade your values

5. You reap what you sow

6. Education is the great equalizer

7. What is your "Why?"

8. Have boundaries

9. Speak from the heart

10. Succeed as bad as you want to breath

There you go and there's my secret! We are all human and we all have fears and have moments of being let down, ignored or just unmotivated but a fighter NEVER stops there. You can and you will be whatever YOU want to be, so stop waking up on accident! Find your passion and prey upon it like your life depends on it, because it does. #Don'tQuit your desire for success will make room for you, if you do the work! #YouCan&YouWill

"Success needs to soak & season!"

-Eric Thomas

Normal Black Chic

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