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5 For Sure Signs You're Exhausted & What To Do About It!

If I had a dollar for every (single) time I said, "I'm tired!" I would be richer than Oprah...but seeing that money doesn't grow on trees, I'm stuck at this 9-5 (YAAAY!) Well, just the other day I was realizing how over exhausted I've become, more importantly I was also realizing how critical it is that I take time out for myself and just RELAX! If you're like me: working your body to the bone but you need someone to say to you, "You're doing too much!" then let me be that person for you! If you are experiencing any of these five symptoms ----You're tired!!! & YOU'RE DOING TOO MUCH!

5 Basic Signs of Exhaustion

1. Insomnia. I am the Queen of sleep, so when I started to get a burst of energy when I should've been sleeping I knew immediately that the devil was busy but I didn't know he was in the business of robbing me of my sleep. As crazy as it sounds, you're so exhausted you can't sleep! (the devil...)

2. Chronic Fatigue. Not being able to get good sleep is a walking nightmare. Sleep is key to rejuvenating the body to be able to work, without it = Zombie.

3. Increased Illness. As you already know when you body is tired to the point of exhaustion your immune system is not able to protect your body from fighting off germs and disease. So, unfortunately as tired as you are, you are now tired + sick.....Bad combo!

4. Anger. Being exhausted, chronically fatigued and experiencing increased illness = Hell yeah you angry!

5. Depression. It is extremely hard to have so many things hitting you all at once, you will definitely feel hopeless, guilty and or trapped. When you notice yourself getting to this level of exhaustion, it is definitely time to relax and reverse this situation ASAP!

How Can You Reverse Signs of Exhaustion?

1. Exercise. Exercise increases your overall energy levels and helps you sleep better at night (check out my previous Blog on how I get a great FREE workout)

2. Eat Healthy. What you choose to eat directly effects your daily energy. If you choose to eat poorly you more than likely will not have enough energy to get you through the day and vice versa.

3. Keep Your Stress Levels Low. Pick your battles wisely & know when to walk away. I tell my daughter all the time, "Every conversation is not an invitation." There are times when you just need to walk away and let it go! Also know your triggers; if you know that person, place or thing bothers your entire soul: Don't be around them and or don't go over there - end of story.

4. Seek Professional Help. I am no doctor, if you are experiencing serious issues, please seek the attention of a medical professional that can further assist you- best of luck!

I am taking my own advice on this one, because as tired as I am - I still find more things to do (crazyyyy). However, the later of not taking time to relax and just breathe is more serious than experiencing insomnia or a headache, exhaustion is real and can definitely get progressively worse, as is "Hospital Worse" So, take my advice and ease on down the road to RELAXATION! Thank me later...

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