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5 Things You Should Stop Doing Today!

We are all learning and growing in this beautiful game called "Life." There are moments when we have it all figured out and then there are those days when we find ourselves praying for help. Well, I am very comfortable in saying that I do NOT have it all figured out and that I still have a lot to learn but this year I have had an epiphany of sorts, I like to call it simply "34." I call it "34" because it seems (for me) that at my current age of 34, I am able to understand the lesson that I am learning ; my role in what is happening to me, what I need to gain or learn from the experience and also to simply respect the experience. Please don't get that confused with me saying "My life is great"- I am moreso saying, "I'm living life and I get it- It's bitter sweet BUT there is a reason and I respect that!" More importantly as this year comes to an end, we shed another layer of ourselves only to be renewed and refreshed in 2017! This year is not over just yet, but here's what I learned to STOP doing- I've applied and can appreciate learning these lessons:

1. STOP Trying to please everyone. I am the Queen of trying to please everyone, but in doing so, in the past,I felt as if I was left empty handed with no one to turn to. So my advice to you is to always make sure that your needs are met firts, before you help anyone else. You don't want to make a bad habit of allowing others to abuse thier need to need you and or have you carrying thier problems #nobueno If that creates an issue for them, let them go!

2. STOP Fearing change. Change is inevitable, I remember hearing a funny quote about how to make God laugh? To tell Him your plans! #omnificent

When I was pregnant with my first child I was prepared to carry full-term...yada yada yada...NOPE, she came 2 months earlier than expected and we had to change accordingly, was if fun? Hell No! Did we survive? Yes, we did! Change is done for a reason, so accept it, 9 times out of 10- it all works out in your favor when you look back over what you've experienced and how it was necessary for you becoming who you are today. YOU CAN'T CHANGE OR STOP CHANGE little grasshopper! #adapt

3. STOP living in the past. Why do we do this to ourselves? Life is not like the movie, "Back To The Future" you cannot change what has happened so why beat yourself up with all the "Should've, Could've, Would'ves?" More importantly take a deep breath and accept what has happened, forgive those who hurt you or even yourself, (sometimes, you have to apologize to yourself for what you've done to yourself) DON'T forget what has happened because the lesson was the objective however, you should not be thinking about every moment of every day-let it go so that you can make sound decisions for yourself in the present.

"You cannot move forward, looking backward!"

4. STOP putting yourself down. You are uniquely and wonderfully made! Stop doubting your worth, your ideas, your talents and or your presence. If there isn't any room at the table pull up a chair and make room for yourself!

5. STOP overthinking. Overthinking is the devil jumping double dutch in your head, grab the damn ropes and toss them into the ocean. So stop overthinking if you did enough, said enough, gave enough, produce enough...Just do your best and leave the rest! Overthinking minimizes your excellence and your FAITH!

So, there is my top 5 "Thank You Lordt" lessons of this year, what are yours?

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