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3 Ways You Can Get Rid of Your Facial Hair!

It's not a secret, and for those who don't know...women have annoying facial hair, there, I said it! My earliest memory of knowing that women have facial hair, is probably when I was around 8 years old. My mother and I were sitting in her car, I remember (vividly) she was looking into her review mirror, trying desperately to pull some hairs from her chin. She then turns to me and says, "Help me get this one!" mother is asking me to pull hairs out of her face, right!? (I mean I'm 8!) Well, I did- I tried (them suckers were strong!) but none the less, I tried my hardest, pinching my fingers until it hurt us both- I should've known then, that my fate was inevitable.




10 years later, when I was 18, I started to notice those ugly hairs beginning to peak through my beautiful, melanated visage- so what did I do? I ordered some facial hair wax and removed my facial hair around my chin only for them to come back like a raging bull, with friends! To make a long story short, DON'T DO THAT! What should you do????? Great question! If you have facial hair and you're about ready to shave your face- #STOP!!!

Tweeze. Tweezing, which is my favorite method- also known as pulling the hair out of your face. It's not only a cheap and an effective way to remove hair from any area on the face but unfortunately, for some, it can be time consuming and painful.

Interested in purchasing a Tweezerman?

Tumeric. Now, I've never tried this BUT I've heard it works! Turmeric can be used alone or in combination with other ingredients for hair removal. Turmeric has anti bacterial property and prevents skin infections.

1. Take one teaspoons of turmeric, 1 tablespoon of honey, 1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice & mix well.

2. Apply to the face and leave it on for about 10-20 minutes.

3. After the mixture dries, wipe it with a wet cloth to remove turmeric and excess hair.

4. Continue the remedy regularly for a few weeks to achieve full removal of unwanted facial hair.

Laser. Laser hair removal is recommended for those individuals who have severe situations. Don't be ashamed if that is you because laser hair removal is one popular option provided by dermatologists. Laser hair removal works by using a specialized laser that penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin. By using the pigment of the hair as a guide, the laser targets the hair follicle and uses the heat of the laser to disrupt the hair's ability to grow. On average, the cost of laser hair removal, in smaller areas, is between $250 and $500, the average cost of tweezers is $6-20, I'm just sayin'!

Ladies, let's not beat ourselves up with concealer and or try to hide what is definitely there! Do something about it, if it is really bothering you but remember we look good, because we feel good! So do what you need to do in order to feel good about who YOU are, be that with a beard, mustache or none of the above!

Normal Black Chic

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