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Home School Rocks!

As every parent, I desire nothing more than for my children to receive an education that will not only be of a firm foundation but also one that it will catapult them into the desired careers/future. For a very long time, year after year in fact, I was that parent who signed her kids up for "lottery" schools. In my state that means schools that my children would typically not get into due to zoning laws /segregation (I digress) more importantly but these schools also have great state report cards, exceptional teachers (so they say) and an abundance of resources etc. Fortunately, one year, we got in and unfortunately (after 2 years) I wasn't impressed, at all. My expectations were full of hope & victory and that soon fizzled out, not because of the teachers or the resources, more so the system. For me the system is flawed; I quickly noticed how differently my daughter was treated versus my son, I quickly noticed how quickly students were required to "master" a certain subject area after 5-8 days of instruction, not to mention this whole "Zero Tolerance" policy that strategically label boys as repeat offending criminals- should I talk about the classroom sizes? or the population of children that aren't ready to learn? Or the teachers that are frustrated with the students who lack respect? I'm sure many of you can relate to my issues, but I really believed NOT at this "lottery" school BUT yes, and so we did what was best, HOME SCHOOL and I've never felt happier about a decision in regards to my children's education.

Since our decision, in conversation, I have had friends and family question my motives. They've gone on to explain that they would rather their child(ren) deal with the mess in public schools because that then prepares them to do with society (that is also flawed) but I stand firm (alongside my spouse) choosing to educate our children in a safe, controlled environment, that supports small numbered instruction filled with the arts and learning outside of the classroom. I have already seen major improvements in my children's cognitive and social skills. Within the first week they have had more hands-on experiences of which they can apply what they've learned than public school has EVER offered them. Not to mention that the one-on-one attention highlights their academic progression and regression immediately and no test fatigue!!!

Have you every considered homeschooling? If not, check out these benefits:

1. Tailored Instruction. You're child's instruction is centered around what he or she doesn't know, has not mastered and has mastered. If my child needs more time to grasp a concept, the time is given. He isn't rushed and graded because the teacher is only allowed to teach this concept for 8 days in her curriculum pacing guide.

2. Chosen Curriculum. As a parent, you know what interests your child & his/her preferred learning style. Knowing this information is key because you can then build a curriculum that teaches with their learning preference in mind.

3. Flexible Learning Schedule. You get to decide how to schedule your child’s daily instruction, and it doesn’t have to take nearly as much time in a day as it does in public school. You could start in the morning, or you could start in the afternoon and still have their daily instruction finished in time for other activities.

4. Experimental Learning. My children aren't sitting in a chair all day, they are at the YMCA, Cosi Science Center, the Metropolitan Library (to name a few places). Their schedules include one day full of craft and hands-on activities and other days with Yoga. The schedule is flexible and catered to their needs but most importantly it is filled with learning outside of the classroom.

5. Creating Independent Thinkers. We've said"Goodbye" to group thinking- most children go with the group or they lack the esteem to think for themselves in fear of being "wrong." Students who are home schooled develop the skill to think for themselves aside from considering the opinions of others in their decision-making. This is an important life skill that public schools don't (always) offer.

For my family, this was something I prayed for. I am not saying that this works for everyone, nor am I trying to convince you to go this route but I am saying is I look forward to seeing my children's growth &, watching them learn and apply what they've learned to the real world. To my parents who have or are planning to take this unconventional route- I salute you & I am proud to belong to the club!

Subbies, what are you doing with you're child's education? Are you pleased thus far?

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