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How to Meet Your Deadlines

As many of you know, if you're an avid Normal Black Chic reader (which I hope that you are) I am reallyyyyyyy trying to be better organized...matter a fact- I need to answer these emails and voice mails now that I'm thinking about it- anywhoooo. I am trying to get on top of meeting deadlines, because who wants to do business with a scatter brain? (not me!). As I go about my normal routine there are some things that I have been doing lately that have been working, and please feel free to share what you do too, my solutions are no way the end all be all, I'm just here to say I NEE HELP!

So, for now, this is what I'll being doing until I can hire help (my checkbook is coughing)

1. Stop Procrastinating. That is my downfall, putting it off for another day is the devil, rebuke the devil and get to it. Start by setting the final due date and stay with it.

2. Small Tasks. In staying with it, create small tasks. What does that look like? For example, on Monday draft it, on Tuesday add content, on Wednesday proof read, on Thursday ask a friends opinion etc. This way you're not waiting until the last minute but you are being proactive- just in small doses.

3. Soft Deadline. Small tasks can easily been seen as a soft deadline; you can have all of your drafts completed by a certain day so that when the real date comes your smooth sailing, hair blowing & lip gloss is poppin'

4. Stay Organized. Don't get overwhelmed, create a folder and use tabs, whatever you need to use- use it! The more organized you are the less likely you are to fall behind or will become stressed.

Quick & Simple, there it is. Why am I doing all of this you ask? Because I require to be more professional. I would like to see myself grow and if I am arriving late to every event or unprepared, I wouldn't even want to do business with me. So, what are you doing to meet your deadlines, so that you are ahead of the pack?

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