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With everything going on in the world today, I can attest to the fact that I need to find my center and gain a more balanced life-is it just me or you too!? When I am balanced in my mind and spirit I am able to get more done. I can find the "time" to complete everything on my "list" without losing my mind and or walking around looking evil. I have a sense of calmness that over comes my entire being which shrugs off the small things and focuses on that tasks at hand. Well, first of all I am not there (yet)- I've fallen (again) and...

I need help! I can't lie to you all- I need more of that feeling (right now). So, now that I am on Spring Break, I feel like this is the break I need to refocus and balance my life again so that I maintain being on the level of "Getting Shit Done!" If you are wondering what my secret to regaining balance is- you know that I'm a giver, check this out!"

1. Make a Choice. In order to become balanced it starts with acknowledging that you're all over the place. Do you want to stay looking like a walking garage sale or not?! Believe me, making a choice will save your life-just accept that you are a mess, that you're tired of this life and choose to start over (and mean it). #cometoJesusmoment

2. Cut The Fat. The things and people who are not enhancing your life or adding to the fruitfulness of life, GOTSTA GO! Say, "NO!" or be polite and say, "No Thank you!" Either way- snip, snip! It's that dead weight that's weighting you down from making sound decisions and moves that will align you and your destiny, no more distractions!

3. Find Some "Me Time". Spending time alone is often times the hardest thing to do (go figure) however it is critical for lowering stress and making you happy. My "Me Time" day is Tuesday, I get my nails done, order a delicious meal and eat it in the car, I talk to my friend from NY and do a little shopping. When is your special day and what do you do?

4.Order. Put the necessary important things in order and the other items that aren't as important- put them in their place. Have a sense of consistency and routine, it reminds you whether or not your own task or just adding more non important items/people to your life. You should feel a sense of work and play and not a feeling of being weighed down by one or the other.

Ladies and gentleman I will definitely be on the journey to becoming much more calmer & relaxed= BALANCED while I push "chill mode" on Spring Break. More importantly, it's essential to self preservation that we recognize when we are stressed, tired and out of control- find your center, take some time to yourself and try again. Every day we wake up (again) is another day to try again.

As always, thanks for starting and ending your work week with me!

Normal Black Chic

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