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Rejection Is Practice

I once heard someone say that men are better at receiving rejection because they are used to being rejected by women. That would then mean that women aren't better at handling rejection because they are always doing the rejecting. I don't know how you feel about this notion but there may be

some validity to the argument, however, I will say rejection sucks no matter the format. I recently tried my hand at pitching my ideas to some big named brands and definitely was rejected but I wasn't at all heartbroken. For me, honestly the experience is what is necessary for me to get where I want to be. Rejection is healthy; it builds character and thick skin. If you really want the position, opportunity, career etc no form of rejection is going to deter you from having "it." So what do you do after rejection? That's simple: Survive

How do I handle rejection like a G?

1. Don't Take It Personal. It's a learning opportunity; take notes, ask questions and go back to the drawing board

2. Get Into A Routine. Stay motivated. No matter if I make 100 sales or 3 I get up everyday to push my brand and make my calls. A "No" will never stop the passion nor the drive that I have fueling me to reach my goals.

3. Build Relationships. Most business transactions are made solely off of a relationship and not a product. Even after the rejection, keep the conversation going.

4. Talk To Other Entrepreneurs. In talking to other entrepreneurs you gain an understanding about what you are going through; you're not the only one. Keep the conversation and support going, you'll need it and you'll need to give it!

I am deliberate and unafraid!

This is exactly what I will be doing to get where I need to be, I welcome you to copy, paste and or delete! Also please share with me how you survive rejections in the business world, I need your input. As always thanks for starting you workweek with me- until next Monday.


Normal Black Chic

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