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Shyt Happens!

I would like to think that I am a fairly approachable, reasonable, positive thinking and a giving type of person (overkill!?!?). So when "things" happen to me I always ask myself "Why is this happening to me?" As if nothing can happen to me because of my great attributes. Yup....WRONG! This past weekend someone hit my car and kept going #thanks. Initially, I was super calm, checked the vehicle and concluded that there was only minor damage- so what's a girl to do next? Shout and thank God! After a couple of minutes past I replayed how maturely I handled the situation but then the notion of what did I do to deserve this started to overcome me. I wondered, was this some sick twist of Karma because I popped my son earlier, was God trying to teach me a lesson? I get it, I'm NOT crazy and yes I was tripping but more importantly: Shyt happens! Life is full of twist and turns created only to make us better; do better, be better, act better etc. In this instance I quickly noticed the silver lining, my car was still operable and that's all that matters #seriously. I don't want to be so hung up on the small things in life, there are situations that you cannot predict would happen in a million years. However, you and I are still here and there is work to be done. If you find yourself stressing out all the time, over the smallest of things- you are not in control of yourself, find your center so that you can bring balance to the world you live in. However, life is still going to pinch your nipples, HARD, here's how to get over it.

1. Breath. Often times when I am stressed I can feel that I am not taking deep cleansing breaths- my brain is not getting adequate amounts of oxygen and I am about to do something stupid. So, I seriously tell myself to take deep breaths and not only gain some control but also help my brain so WE can make good choices.

2. Laugh! Every time I get ready to go there my sister actually tells me to stop and twerk. In her words, "Nobody can twerk and be mad at the same time!" and she is right, try it! The last time I was about to take life too seriously, I was driving so I couldn't exactly "stop and twerk" but there is a video that I am able to play when I'm stopped at a traffic light. When I'm done laughing I am able to reassess the situation in a much calmer state. Here's the video

***Disclaimer: I LOVE animals and I am not for the abuse of any animal***

3. What Matters? Before you go there, ask yourself, What matters the most to you?" if you take this situation too seriously, then ask yourself, "What effect will this have on what matters most to you?"

I am NOT perfect and I know that this is completely opposite of my opening to this blog, so!? LOL. More importantly, I have lost my cool more times than I can count and I have learned that I feel worse after I calm down. I'm only here to share what I know and I know that loosing your cool and taking life too seriously- no matter the situation fixes nothing because shyt is going to happen anyway!!! As always, thank you for starting your work week with me- until next Monday, try to be normal!


Normal Black Chic

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