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Have you ever done something and wanted recognition for it but you never got it...or have you been doing something and you know it's dope but it hasn't caught the eye of the "right" person(s)'s frustrating isn't it- I know, but don't stop. I recently came across a formula for consistency and I thought that I would share it.

Faith + Consistency + Hard Work , Pays Off!

Sounds easy enough but the formula this proven to work! I do a lot of things because I believe in them, if I decided to give up on any of them the rest of them fall off too. Why? 1. I am not a quitter, if I were to quit one thing I am sure to quit all things. 2. Quitting is not an option. 3. It's the hard work that pays off- right!? I see the obstacles in my life as a maze, sometimes I turn the right way and other times I am still finding my way but no way, shape or form do I quit- I may want to run through the walls of the maze sometimes but that's because I'm here to win.

Consistency is necessary in everything that you do; people gravitate towards a hard worker. I know that there are times when we see some slackers win but in the end if they can't carry the load it's on to the next. It's the faith, consistency and hard work that you have and are doing now that is not creating a slacker but more so a beast. You must know that nothing is going to be handed to you and more often then not, you must be your own cheerleader. So stick to it, and stick it out- the recognition will come and the hard work will pay off but you've got to believe in yourself and your work more than you want to be glorified for it.

On a day-to-day basis, here's how to stay consistent:

1. Understand your mission. That's it!!! Why are you doing this? -Answering that question should be your driving force.

Remember, it's not about competing with anyone else. It's about you, you not stopping under any circumstances or reasons, you pushing forward to reaching your goal (s) and you believing in yourself- the result is success.

Continue to be great, I'll meet you at the top!

XOXO, normal black chic

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